Design Document


In this assignment you will put together a complete design document for your final website. The package will include all the documents necessary to accurately and thoroughly explain your website concept and plan to your client (in this case, your instructor).

The purpose of the design document is to describe the visual aspect of your project to your clients, stakeholders or funding agencies. It also helps define the project scope, the user experience and the core elements of your website. Design Documents vary from project to project and should include the following:

  • Description of Concept
  • The Solution your project provides
  • The Goals of your project (could be part of Solution)
  • How will you achieve your goals
  • What is the Original Content of your project (what is the narrative/makes it unique)
  • Describe Platforms
  • Market Research (what else is out there?)
  • Describe the User Experience
  • Site Map
  • Wireframes
  • Initial Mockups

1)     Introduction to the project: the main idea and how it came to life.

2)     Project Description: What are the project goals and what is the problem it is trying to solve? Why does it need to exist? Who is the audience? Is your website a part of a larger project? This is your chance to talk about the originality of your idea and its relevancy to today’s market.

3)     Site overview: describe different elements of your website. You can talk about the user experience, the interactivity of your site and include a flow chart that outlines the content structure.

4)     Technical considerations: what software will you be using and why. What will your audience require to view your site? Consider screen resolution, and plugins they may need to download.

5)     Include 5 mock-ups or/and wireframes that demonstrate the design of your chosen pages that reflect the look and feel of the site.

To hand in:

  • A professionally presented, printed package (in class).
  • A PDF file of your document (via email). Make sure to name your PDF appropriately with your group name, and assignment name: “groupname_designdoc.pdf”.

Weight: 30%